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NewSouth Capital Management, Inc. (NewSouth) is an investment adviser registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. NewSouth provides (the Site) for informational purposes only. The information contained on the Site should not be construed as financial or investment advice on any subject matter. NewSouth’s clients are primarily institutional investors with predominantly tax-exempt accounts, complemented by both taxable and tax-exempt private clients. The investment strategies, services, and products discussed on the Site are not suitable for the general public or typical retail investors.

The investment strategies NewSouth implements may underperform the benchmarks presented on the Site, various other benchmarks or the market in general, for an indeterminate time.  NewSouth’s investment strategies may underperform other investment strategies.

NewSouth’s estimate of a company’s intrinsic value may not be realized in the market within expected investment holding periods. There can be significant divergence between our projections and corporate results due to unforeseen competitive pressures, regulatory challenges, and errors in our judgment, among other risks.

Companies with smaller equity market capitalizations may exhibit greater price volatility and lower trading volume and liquidity than companies with larger equity market capitalizations. Concentrated portfolios are subject to the risk that a single holding will materially affect performance as compared to portfolios with a greater number of holdings.

Investing in the public securities markets entails inherent risk. Stock markets can be volatile. Prices can fluctuate and may decline materially in response to political, regulatory, market, economic or social developments that affect a company or industry. Local, national and global economic and political conditions can negatively affect the equity markets as can events such as terrorism, war, natural disasters, public health crises, recessions and depressions. NewSouth’s ability to identify attractive investment opportunities may be limited due to prevailing market conditions.

All investments bear the risk of loss and past performance is not a guarantee of future results.  NewSouth’s “margin of safety” discipline does not ensure protection from the loss of capital, which investors should be prepared to bear.

For additional details please see the discussion of our Methods of Analysis, Investment Strategies and Risk of Loss in our Form ADV Part 2A brochure.

The Site is not intended to be a solicitation, offering, or recommendation of any investment management or advisory service, securities, or other investment products to any person in any jurisdiction or country in which such solicitation, offering, or recommendation would be unlawful.